by baad lamb
Samuel Rousseau as seen at Volta New York 2010. From high over their heads we see men walking purposely, rapidly, on the way to somewhere. But they are trapped in their 3D backlit blister-pack of brightly colored pills, and every direction is a dead end. Constantly on the move, yet consistently getting nowhere.
Then, as the baad lamb lies down on Water Street directly under the Brooklyn Bridge, looking up at the feet-first view of pedestrians from far below produces a similar visual effect, occasionally punctuated by gracefully gliding bicycles.
Happily, this is no Bridge to Nowhere. Unlike Mr. Rousseau's perpetual motion men, monotonously moving on their simple colored carpets, Brooklyn Bridge travelers enjoy a kaleidoscopic panorama not proffered by any pill, anywhere.
Since 1883, New York's top thrill.
I like your vision better: much more optimistic and free. I was just down there last Saturday, rediscovering how beautiful that area is, but I didn't think to lie down on Water Street. Next time.