Joe (the blond on the left) was a friend of mine through the freelance makeup and hair stylists industry. I was glad to run into him on Christopher St. after the Pride Parade of 1988. Joe was a very talented artist besides being funny and handsome as hell, so when he suggested we go down to the Dance on the Pier together I said sure. As we got closer to the piers, Joe yells out "there's my boyfriend". I almost fainted at the sight of this dark haired sexy man with the moustache as I find Latino men very hot. After introducing me to Leon there was an immediate attraction between us. Now I start feeling guilty as this was my friends boyfriend, which to me meant, hands off.
The Piers were so crowed the three of us decided to just walk around a bit arm in arm. All the while Leon making it very clear he was interested in me sexually. Joe must have picked up on the energy between us and announced he had a headache, was tired, and wanted to go home and rest. For a moment it looked as if Leon and I would be left alone together. My head started spinning with temptation. Thankfully (or regretfully) Joe made it clear to Leon that he wanted him to go home too. And the three of us parted.
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